Dramatic Monologue: Bea
An Ars Nova play named "P.S.." based on letters between two characters, Bea and Ona, corresponding in real-time as the world changed all around in the height of the pandemic.
Comedic Monologue: Megan
An excerpt from the movie Bridesmaids. Megan Price is the sister of the groom, who works for the government and is apparently wealthy enough to purchase an 18-wheeler “just because she can.” She is foul-mouthed but hilarious, and is not exactly shy about showing interest in men.

"Satisfied"- Hamilton
A student-led performance number of "Satisfied" from the hit musical Hamilton. Student led by Kisakye Naiga & Miriam Ali.

"Come Together"- The Beatles
A mock auditon clip from Telsey's Casting Director Rachel Hoffman's Self-Tape masterclass of a mock The Beatles: The Musical.
VO Demo: Brita Water Filters
VO Demo: Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream